Funniest Questions Pilots Hear on Flights

Flying may be a common occurrence for many individuals, especially if they regularly travel for work, live far from family, or participate on a sports team. More often than not, flights tend to be cost-prohibitive, especially if someone has a large family, so flying isn’t the norm for most people. When infrequent flyers do take to the skies, some of them have made some fairly outlandish assumptions about their flights. Pilots and their crew have shared some of the more humorous situations they have encountered.

Time out

Surprisingly, many parents are unaware that airplanes don’t offer separate spaces for children to let off some steam, even on lengthy flights that can last up to 14 hours. A common question pilots hear is, “Where’s the playroom?” Though it seems bizarre that people wouldn’t know this, for those who have had to sit near an unhappy child on an airplane, it doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea. Parents have to be prepared to manage rambunctious children within the confines of their seats for the duration of the flight and be sensitive to their neighboring passengers.

Special requests

Professional pilots aren’t just limited to commercial airlines. There are several branches within the field in which you can specialize, including flying private jets. One pilot recounted the story of a man with an adult daughter who had relocated to London, but missed the cat she had left behind. Since she was unable to return home to retrieve her pet, her father chartered a private jet to send the cat to her. The story has a happy ending, but the idea of arranging a flight merely to facilitate the transport of an animal overseas is mind-boggling to many.


Another question that the flight crew is often asked is how to open the windows. Having mastered the light shades, some passengers actually want to open the physical windows. Many flight attendants have come across passengers trying to “let in fresh air” by attempting to force open their windows. Unarguably, airplanes are small enclosed spaces jammed with strangers which many find unnerving. Even with state-of-the-art ventilation systems, a vigilant flight crew, and experienced travelers peppered in the mix, there have been instances where passengers have still managed to open the emergency exits before take-off, causing massive flight delays.

Take me to your leader.

Similar to when an unhappy customer at a restaurant may ask to see the manager, some passengers demand to see the pilot. Flight attendants are empowered to manage irate customers no matter how belligerent they become because the pilot’s primary responsibilities are flying the plane and the safety of the passengers, not customer service. Leaving the cockpit and taking the pilot away from the controls, even with co-pilots on board isn’t an option. Admittedly, not every flight can be a serene and tranquil undertaking and go off without a hitch. Airlines operate hundreds of flights each day, so there are bound to be some hassles. But then, there are alternate avenues to pursue to address grievances, and not one that puts other lives in danger thousands of feet above the earth.

Can we turn around?

Some passengers are seemingly oblivious to the fact that there may be over a hundred people on the aircraft, let alone the flight schedules and air traffic that are managed centrally. If they forgot something, they believe it’s perfectly reasonable to have the flight attendant ask the pilot to turn the plane around.

There never seems to be a dull moment in the life of a pilot. Certainly, the antics of the odd passenger aren’t the primary draw, but a career in flying offers an ongoing opportunity to challenge yourself with a

continual feeling of accomplishment as you successfully transport people or cargo to their destination. Check out websites like to start researching your options to learn to fly and kick off your journey toward becoming a pilot.

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