Ukranian tattoo artist Yarina is currently based in Germany. She is specialized in vegan fine line tattoos and it is important for her to use all vegan stuff for your work and her clients think the same way, too. She has an impressive feed on Instagram which she describes as her ink garden as she mostly designs floral patterns on female skin. She started to work as a buyer of washing machines and climate control systems at one big company, then she found her talent for body art and dived into the world of tattoos. Because of her past experiences-not so good ones, you can check here #yarinas_introvert_life – she mostly work with women, rarely with men, and goes more feminine tattoos. She always has a short session of meditation before she starts tattooing. In that way, she tried to put light energy into tattoos. Let us share her thoughts about her homeland with you; “I started traveling to Europe at the end of 2017 and during these 5 years I’ve met a lot of nice people. My answer to the question “Where are you from?” was always “Kyiv, Ukraine”. And you know, I was so wondering how many people know about Ukraine, how many Europeans (special love for Swedish) and Americans visited Ukraine just for vacations or getting tattoo by me/another talented tattoo artists, how many foreigners moved to Ukraine and opened their businesses. I was and still proud that I’m Ukrainian. I speak Ukrainian since my childhood and I’m proud of it too. You know why? Because Ukrainian is the second melodías language in the world (after Italian of course). In 2020 I first time had an appointment with numerologist. And she said I should be proud of Ukraine and build my life in my country. Now I have a chance to become a refugee officially anywhere, even in the USA or Canada, which was impossible to come as a tourist a month ago, and start to build my new life. But ! No, I love Ukraine so much, and will stay at homeland.” While hunting for creatives on Instagram, we come up with interesting stories which put light on our our own paths and guess this is the best part of what we do. I personally suggest you read about her stories and check out her fine line nature-inspired tattoos to get inspired for your next tattoo appointment.