Why Use Commercial Mowing Services

When you talk about landscaping, you can imagine your garden shears and a long spring or summer project. Even then, it could actually be a stretch. Landscaping is not easy because plants are alive; they grow, and they have needs. That is why there are professional landscape service providers.

Landscaping, when you’re talking about residential and commercial lawn care and maintenance, would be much more difficult. If your company would hire regular employees specifically for landscaping, that would be a bigger burden on your business, and it would still not guarantee the consistency of your landscape.

In the same spirit as outsourcing, landscape and commercial lawn service can be delegated to the experts. Most of the tasks, specifically mowing, are crucial to ensure the beauty and sustainability of the landscape of your commercial lot.

Why Mowing the Grass Matters

The outdoor areas of your commercial space need to match the theme of your office. In some cases, the landscaping is the welcome area to visitors and vehicles. The plants and grass need to be aligned and balanced, with just the provision for growth and trimming. The growth of your grass depends on how you cut. If it’s uneven, visitors to your company office are most likely to see it.

What’s more, even if you are not very particular about the aesthetics of your lawn, the areas that are not visible or in the front areas of the commercial area still need to be maintained. This is because any land that is zoned for industrial use is required to have its grass maintained. That said, it would be best done by professionals, especially if you do not need to mow the grass that often.

The Cost of Keeping the Grass Green

Most of the time, we always associate DIY with saving money, and outsourcing as a costlier alternative. It can easily be justified for industrial or commercial lawns. These are companies and they have huge budgets. But for your 6,000 square foot-lawn (the average residential lawn for the United States), why would you need to hire a professional lawn mower for that?

At this point, it would be better to sit down and calculate the actual costs. Before you can attempt to DIY your lawn mowing, you need to buy equipment. A ride-on lawn mower would cost north of $1500, a blower will set you back another $150 and you would also need a weed eater, which is pegged at $100. That would amount to a total cost of $1,750 before you even start.

That is a significant cost, but the argument is that you will save so much money by mowing the lawn yourself, these pieces of equipment will pay for themselves. Is that really accurate? We must look deeper. These equipment need maintenance. The mower is almost like a real vehicle in itself, which requires a supply of gas and oil changes. Weed eaters also need additional materials. We are also factoring the possibility of the equipment breaking down or getting damaged.

The cost of a lawn mowing service is pegged at around $40 for a half acre, much more than the average lawn size. The cost for gas and the maintenance of the blades of the weed eater (which actually needs constant replacement), could be pegged at $35 a shot.

Considering the time you need to mow the lawn, the effort, the associated costs, and even the space to place the equipment, hiring a professional mowing service is something you must consider.


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