The 2015 “CBRE Urban Photographer of the Year Competition” is over and people from the committee revealed some of the winning and other amazing photographs of modern life. These photographs represent the difference between some societies around the globe, regarding urban life. This was 9th competition so far and with the amazing number of 21.000 breathtaking and powerful images, it is one of the most successful. This competition has a lot of categories such as regional winners, Youth winners, a Mobile winner, an overall winner, and hourly winners. The main goal of this manifestation is to paint a picture of a struggling people in urban cities all around the world. From businessmen and corporate people, to the poor and hardworking layers of society. Of course, photographers also presented the bravest men of all – policemen and firemen, who re risking their own lives so everyone would be safe. This series of images are telling the untold story of everyday heroes who are fighting the good fight and making this world go round.