Silly Short Comics Following the Life of Gerald, ‘the Klutz, the Idiot, the Fall Guy’

A comedy writer and illustrator from Brighton, UK, Steve Nelson is the creator of Audible Originals comedy series ‘The Temp’. Also responsible for several TV and radio shows. “Being a comedy writer is mostly writing stuff that will never see the light of day, and I got fed up with it, so I wanted to do something where I could present my comedy instead,” Nelson shared. “I always loved drawing, so that seemed the best medium to present my jokes.” If you love silly jokes and colorful illustrations, then you’ve found your guy right here. “With all the free time the lockdown has given me, I created this comic character called Gerald, who is the perfect vessel for the jokes I write, which unfortunately makes Gerald the klutz, the idiot, the fall guy!” If you’re curious where the story of Gerald will lead him, make sure to follow his uncertain life of illustrations on Steve’s Instagram. Also, check out the artist’s other work on his official website.

More info: Official website, Instagram, Twitter.


Illustrations by Steve Nelson

A perfect example of silly jokes that are the core of Mr. Nelson’s heart.

Being fed up with the way things were going in his regular comedy work,

Nelson had created a vessel, a perfect vessel for all of his jokes – by the name Gerald.

This is Gerald, ‘the Klutz, the Idiot, the Fall Guy’.

‘Angels playing Halo’

It’s important to be honest with your parents

Gerald has a dog named shark

Sunbathing Indoors

Via [boredpanda]