Meet Paddington and Butler, the Two Faithful Companions

“They get along like cats and dogs.” This particular saying usually means that two people or two animals simply don’t get along quite well. However, this can’t be said for Paddington and Butler, the adorable Shar-Pei and his feline friend Butler. These adorable rascals met back in January 2014 when the owners adopted Butler from the streets. Paddington immediately accepted him and practically raised him. These two do everything together. They nap, eat and play as a pair. Sadly, at the beginning of this year, Paddington got lymphoma and he’s been receiving chemotherapy ever since. Every day he and his owner get back from the vet, Butler is standing on the window, waiting for his best friend to come home.

They can’t live without each other.

Too cute!

Butler is freaking out!

They know how to play.

Bow ties are cool!

Little soft kiss.

Train ride.

They are so goofy.

The dynamic duo.

via (boredpanda)

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