You’ve had your first date, and it went well! You hit it off and had a great time, but what do you do next? The second date can be a source of anxiety for some people. They feel like the first date might have been a fluke, or that if they try to arrange a second date, it won’t go as well as the first one. We’ve put together this list to give you some second date ideas, and some things to keep in mind to keep the nerves at bay. But, if you’re still looking for your first date, check out afroromance.
1) They like you!
The first thing to keep in mind is that the person likes you – so don’t worry! They have decided they like you enough to go on the first date, and they’re still texting you, so they are interested! Try to think of the second date as just an extension of the first one. You already have some topics you’ve found they are interested in, and you’ve started to connect. The second date should be fun, and a little bit more relaxed now that you know you’re both compatible!
2) Make things more exciting.
Most people play it quite safe for their first date. It might be just a quick coffee or a meal, which is great for a first date as it keeps the stakes low, and gives you an opportunity to get to know each other. The second date is an excellent opportunity to start showing your personality more. Arranging a date related to your interests is a great way to deepen your connection and do something more memorable. The person you’re dating may have been on plenty of dates to the cinema or to get food. Something a little bit different will help separate you from the crowd.
3) Do more than one thing.
Related to the last point, to make a date more interesting, you may think about having several points of interest for your date. This can make a date seem longer, and will stop you worrying about not having anything to say, as you’ll be preoccupied with the next exciting part of the day you’ve planned. An example would be to go for a coffee, head for a round of mini golf, and then a movie back at your place. Each of these activities could be a date itself, but by combining them, you make a date more exciting and memorable.
4) Start to escalate.
You may have finished your first date with a kiss, maybe less, maybe more, it doesn’t really matter. Either way, you need to make sure the person you’re dating knows you’re interested in more than just being friends. Don’t pressure them, but playful things like touching, hand-holding, and footsie are great ways of keeping the mood fun while also escalating physically.
5) Make the date longer.
Again linked to the previous tips, it can be useful to make the second date longer than the first which may have only been a few hours long. This will give you more chances to connect, get to know each other, and have fun.