Talented photographer Giuseppe Gradella lives and works in Mantua, Italy. He focuses on fashion, architecture and fine art types of photography and has already had an extraordinarily captivating portfolio that inspires his colleagues. He is very fond of the saying; “For me, photography arrived like a storm after months of drought, and I am still very thirsty.” In his photos, there is a constant relation between what is actually in front of the camera and what he has retained from his experiences, in a continuous study that becomes studious self-critique. He has a profound belief in memories and dreams. As stated on his website; he is conscious that everything is layered over time, in the heart, in memory and that, sooner or later, it finds a way back to the light, to unveil itself, he thinks of photography as holding your breath, just under the surface, for as long as your breath lasts, then re-emerging to observe the world from a different perspective, one that is more aware. Today, we showcase here some of his dramatic and impressive female portraits each of which is a piece of art.