“Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky” – These were the words of Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor. These words struck Tom Marshall’s heart and inspired his photo colorizing project of Holocaust photos. To mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz by the Soviets, Marshall had colorized photos taken at the beginning of 1945. “This was the most harrowing project I have ever worked on. I usually enjoy colorizing photos as the process brings the subjects to life gradually, which is a satisfying experience. Still, with this project, it was upsetting as the images are so shocking,” artist shares. “They serve as a stark reminder of man’s inhumanity to man. I had to give myself time to do something else and try to switch off while working on these photos as they made me angry. I felt sicker as the pictures came to life, but I feel it was an important thing to do, to remind people – especially younger generations, that this happened and that it’s not that far back in history.” This time the colorizing process was different as well. People were close to death, young looked much older, their skin was pale, and bones were sticking out. Bloodless skin of starving people will be the fragment this artist will surely have a hard time forgetting. Everything else is impossible to forget.
More info: Instagram, official website, Twitter.
Prisoners of the Ebensee concentration camp in Austria
Starved to death
Woman surviving the Bergen-Belsen’s guards heavy beating
“My Great Grandfather Charles Martin King Parsons took this photo as he was a chaplain with the British Army and he entered Bergen-Belsen prison camp in April 1945.”
Girl, 18-year-old
Beaten and starved, 4,000 inmates of Lager Nordhausen, a Gestapo concentration camp
Kids. Prisoners of Auschwitz
“Istvan Reiner, 4-year-old, smiles for a studio portrait, shortly before being murdered at Auschwitz concentration camp.”
Never Forget.
So it Would Never Happen Again.
Via [boredpanda]