Doro Juni is a florist from south Germany and she lives together with her husband and her Persian cat. She has one lovely daughter that has already moved out. “We’ve been living in our house for 15 years and actually I just got finished with renovating redecorating it. When we bought it the only colors were brown and white so I spent hours and hours painting and covering everything up.” she shared her story in our online interview with her. She grew up in the 70s and loves the colors, patterns, wallpapers and designs of that era ever since and it’s still her biggest inspiration, as you can understand from the photos. She told us; “Over the years my style has changed and evolved but now I created my perfect little space age world – with lots of house plants! I’m especially proud of the fact that I actually did this all by myself (with a little help here and there from my husband) and turned every single thought and Idea that I had into reality.” Over the last two years, Instagram has become her favourite hobby, where she can share her decoration style and passion for home interior with her followers. “I’m still learning about Instagram. I’m planing on turning my account into a business account because so many people suddenly started following me and we’ll see what happens after that; I’m hoping on many great cooperations with other art and design lovers and I’m just glad that I have found such a beautiful community and such an amazing way of being creative and expressing myself.” she stated. You’ll be amazed how she decorates her home with plants, colors and different patterns in 70s style. Just check out the photos and let us know about your thoughts.