Photographer Steven Van der Hulst is based in Huizen, a town in Holland 30 minutes from Amsterdam. He has been capturing photos since he had a mobile phone. It was just for fun at the beginning, then he’s improved his skills over the years and poured his creativity to his compositions. He mostly captures nature, cityscapes and historic places. “I like this genre because I’m inspired by how people build such fantastic medieval buildings and to think they build it hundreds of years ago is just fascinating. I also like history and all old towns have a story to tell. Why I also like nature photography is because Since I was a child I went to South Tyrol every year. I love the mountains and the silence but also sounds of nature. Something we don’t have in Holland. The views nature gives us is stunning.” he told us in our online interview with him. He shares his the most impressive images on Instagram, where he inspires other photographers and get inspired by many talented lenses. “I have Instagram since 2012. First I just took pics of everything: food, myself, bass guitars, cities, mountains, abandoned places etc. When I noticed people liked my photos of old towns and nature. I started posting only this genre. I wanted to share beautiful places and inspire people to do the same and share our amazing stories.” he stated, and also added; “I got inspired by a friend of me @the.urbexperience he asked me if I wanne go explore abandoned places. Since then I was getting more into photography. He gave me some nice tips when I bought a photo camera. In my bio you can find my other profile @steven_urbex but for the best photos of abandoned places you should visit my friend @the.urbexperience.” When we asked about his style, he explained it as follows; “I would say I created my own style. In the beginning I used Instagram filters after that in start using Snapseed and now I’m stuck with Lightroom. I never had a workshop or watched on YouTube how to edit. I just finding it out myself. Something I like to do. I also made a lot of presets in Lightroom. Which I can use while editing.” Wanna see his charming photos now? Just scroll down and enjoy them all!