Richard Jones defines himself as a picture book maker living in Devon, UK. He spent his childhood in Leamington Spa which had fantastic nature and provided limitless supplies of adventures, football, bike races, conkers, tree climbing, fights, and laughter to him and became the source of inspiration of his current work. He studied graphic design and illustration at the University of Plymouth, in Exeter. While trying to complete his PhD, he started working at Exeter Central Library and loved the Children’s library the most. Afterwards, he wondered whether he could make his own books or not and there he is. “”I’d been painting and drawing since graduating and doing different kinds graphic design for many years, but always had a feeling that children’s publishing was the place I wanted to be. I sent a few samples to my (now) agent and was bowled over to get a call back the same day. I signed up, and a month or so later I was working on my first picture book.” he states on his blog, adding that; “I now write and illustrate full time from the smallest room in my house. Across the roof tops of Exeter, and between the rounded Devon hills, I can just about make out the distant sparkling sea. Perdu is my first author illustrated picture book, and it’s very dear to me.” He draws adorable illustrations for children and today’s post is on his animal pictures. Here you can see some of them. Enjoy!