Based in LA, young talent Nia Ho hun started nail art as a part time job, while she was studying at college. She loves abstract art and gets inspired by many famous artists. She lets her creativity flow and follows her emotions and motion of hand and decides the color combinations spontanously while creating these art pieces on nails. “I draw with no plan and then I add or adjust more to make design better. My vision will help me decide what colors look good together, and what shape that I draw will look good together. It’s pretty had to explain. I get inspiration from abstract paintings. I get colors idea from them.” she told us in our online interview with her. Her designs remind us of paintings of Picasso, Mondrian, Kandinsky, Miró and Klee, don’t you agree? We’ve come upon such a picturesque nail art designs for the first time and found them worth sharing with you. Hope you think the same. Just take a look at Nia’s beautiful nail art examples then remember to let us know about your favourite one.