Russian artist Sasha Podosinovik currently lives in St Petersburg, the grand city of the czars and she is passionate for travelling and keeping the sketch-journal of her trips. In our online interview with her, she stated that she mostly travelled with her family and she mainly created her illustrations and sketches using ink and alcohol based markers. When we asked about her inspiration for creating these wonderful art pieces she replied as follows “My biggest inspiration is architecture and cityscapes and thats what I draw 80% of the time. I’m a huge fan of urban sketching, I think it is the perfect way to enjoy the world around me – paying attention to the slightest detail of what’s happening at the moment, slowing myself down to feel the atmosphere. Though I obviously prefer drawing on location I have to put up with the weather conditions of my home city, so for the cold or rainy days I make photo references during my trips abroad or even short walks around the center of St Petersburg.” She has one of the most interesting Instagram feeds as each of her travel photos is handmade and drawn in detail. Take a short trip around the world with her sketches and let us know about your thoughts.