As a student, you have so many chances to preserve memories when in college or high school but you will hardly realize how time passes and you already in an office working with only a few pictures or none to remember your days when schooling. There various cool group photo ideas or personal photos that you can take to keep the memory of your course-mates and friends. Ensure you capture the main events such as enrollment day, school tours, school functions, graduations among others. Taking a camera or your smartphone and recording a moment may sound like ABC but if to be honest, college life can be exhausting that you hardly get the thrill, leave alone, the time to take pictures.
Most students find themselves buried in tons and tons of assignments and projects that you hardly notice that your time in college is running out. Getting better grades is the roadmap to a better career and fulfilling life, but creating memories and having some time with your friends is not something you can buy. You can still get your target grades and have fun and make memories with your friends by hiring online tutors to help with your assignments. Another option is to buy a research proposal paper or any other type of Ph.D. or undergraduate papers which may consume much of your time. With the stress of meeting research proposals and assignments deadlines off your shoulder, you can have ample time to take photos and hang out with your friends. Here is a list of the best photo ideas you can implement
Senior Individual Photo Idea
They say the higher you go, the cooler it becomes and for sure, as you transition from one level to another, it doesn’t get any easier. Unlike the junior level, senior level education is more intensive and demanding. But there are times when you just have to pause all the pressures for a minute and enjoy life. How well can you do this other than taking pictures?
Blow Confetti
No matter how old school this may be, you can never go wrong with confetti. Get a pack of confetti and take a traditional cap-and-gown picture.
Use Scrabble Tiles
Scrabbles work magic whenever you are in doubt and are always the perfect idea to describe the moment. You just need to arrange them in your hand and get that snatched picture.
Hit a County Road
This is a great idea away from campus. Takes pictures of roads untraveled or roads with great views and you will have a photo worth framing.
Hang Out Upside Down
As a senior, you are definitely not looking to take just regular photos. Why stand right-side up when you can hang upside down? To get a dope snap, make sure you prepare a dope background and rock your favorite dress.
Pose With Your Besties For sure school could be hell if we didn’t have friends and taking an epic photo with your besties is one of the best photo ideas. This does not have to feature a crazy expensive backdrop. Choose something super casual that is budget friendly
Make a Senior Banner
This is a DIY idea where you make a banner with your name or ‘senior’ and capture the picture on a perfect sunset.
Best Ideas for Graduation Photos
All the late nights, all the tears you shed in private, all the headaches that almost suffocated you, all those mornings you woke up when you never felt like it, come to pay off when you see yourself rock that gown. Graduation day is one of the days when all your dreams come true and should be captured in perfect pictures. Since there are many graduates on this day all wearing gowns, it can be hard capturing unique pictures. Here are a few graduation pictures ideas to help your pictures stand out.
A Photo with your Favorite Lecturer
On the graduation day, it is easy to track your lecturer since if you miss on this day, you will probably have no other chance to find them. They for sure made your learning easy and you can preserve this picture as a reminder of the person who nurtured you.
Pop in a Class Ring and Tassel
These are just not like any other accessory, they symbolize your hard work and dedication all which were the driving forces to accomplishing your career. They are a great idea to add in your photo for graduation.
Group Photo
This is the only day you will have a chance to assemble your friends and course mate for a group photo while rocking your gowns. Choose a serene outdoor location.
Capture from Behind
This is among the best graduation pictures ideas that will get you a unique pose. A picture taken from behind while you walk with the gown slung over one shoulder shows you walking away from all the college hardships and confidently waking to the new world. Even better, you can hold cardboard written ‘I’m done!’
Best Ideas for University Group Photos
Group photos have no limit, you can take them in high school, college or at home. It is easy coming up with a creative photo if you let your imagination drive you. And if you tag your crazy friend along, you can be sure to capture some of the funny group photos poses. Here are some of the creative fun group photo ideas.
Pose While Jumping
This idea has many ways to implement, and some creative people have gone overboard to form words with the poses. However, if you find this quite technical, you can always go for easier options for example where you all jump while making faces.
Blow Your Friends off
Although this picture requires a good photographer, you can still pull it off since you only need to play with angles and perspective. Those in the background should imagine they are standing on a giant’s hand. While as the person in the foreground should blow in the direction of the people standing in his/her hand.
Water Session
Any photo section in water never disappoints, and it’s even fun when in a group. You can capture moments while jumping to a swimming pool or playing in the pool.
Group Discussion Photos
Even when discussing that research proposal that has been driving you all crazy, you can still remember that draining moment captured in a photo. With any assignment or research proposal buy the online paper if it’s too technical and capture the relief of having someone do the work.
The Super Punch
This idea is best implemented in a location with sand to help you carve out the rings of destruction. It should be an illusion like what you see when the Kung fu master hits the ground with the super punch. The move by the other group members should show how badly hurt they are with the Superman at the middle showcasing his/her majestic power. The fewer smiles, the better.
Final Word
It’s not too late to keep memories of the good and the bad times while at school. These could be either individual or group photos captured during special events or on a normal day. Regardless of the occasion or moments, years later you will be glad you documented them. However, you should keep in mind that the key to capturing the best photos is choosing a perfect background and location as well as using a good camera-you can use your smartphone camera as well.