In this year 2020, humanity has faced an invisible enemy that has claimed many lives around the Globe – Covid-19. Coronavirus spread almost instantly, and reports of people being infected daily are still on the rise, despite the many measures governments implemented. To ensure people’s safety and mitigate the spread of the virus, additional measures have been put in place, especially for people who still have to report to work.
Here are a few guidelines to keep your office and workplace “Covid-safe.”
Maintaining social distance
One of the first things you should change in the office is the layout. Ensure that each employee maintains a safe distance from each other. It would also be great if you installed sneeze guards for areas where employers are sharing common desks.
It would also help to create a schedule where not all employees come to work at the same time. You can create a program where some employees report physically to the office, while the rest work from home. You can execute this on a rotational basis, such that the workers who worked at home for two weeks should report to the office after two weeks and vice versa. This way, you’re sure there will be enough space in your workplace to cater to everyone present.
Signage and communication
To keep your employees safe at the office, ensure that you put up signage reminding everyone to wear their masks, wash their hands, and maintain a safe distance from each other. Doing this will remind everyone of their obligation to keep others safe, while avoiding contracting the dreaded virus.
Another thing you can do is to ensure that good communication lines in the workplace are open. You can appoint someone to be addressing concerns from employees about the virus. They will also be responsible for monitoring the staff’s temperature and taking necessary precautions if anyone shows the virus’ symptoms.
Air quality
Ensure that your ventilation system in the workplace is fully functional. You can check the filtration system that screens out pathogens and ensure it’s working perfectly. Concentrate on your system’s minimum efficiency reporting value because a higher MERV indicates that the air filter is efficient in removing all air pathogens.
Updated cleaning guidelines
Coronavirus spreads through coughing or sneezing, touching infected objects and surfaces, and touching your face after touching contaminated surfaces. Ensuring that the office is thoroughly clean can stop the spread of the virus. Remind employees to wash their hands all the time, and put in place various stations with alcohol-based sanitizers where they can be cleaning their hands.
You need to get in touch with your office cleaners and ensure they are updated on the latest cleaning guidelines that adhere to the CDC’s standards. Choose a cleaning service for office cleaning in Charlotte to ensure that all nooks and crannies in your office are cleaned. All shared surfaces should be frequently sanitized and cleaned, such as keyboards, doorknobs, bathrooms, door handles, etc.