Every child out there dreams of being a superhero. Later on in their lives they figure it out that these superheroes don’t exist, but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be heroic in life that is ahead of them. Jason Ratliff is an artist who created an extraordinary series of illustrations called “Walking Shadows”. Kids on his drawings are casting a large, superhero shadows on the wall behind them. There are many different heroes oh those walls, such as Thor, Batman, Captain America, Catwoman, Green Lantern and many other famous Comic Book characters.These shadows on these beautiful illustrations are representing the mighty potential and imagination that every child has. Every single boy and girl out there are able to be anything they want to be. There aro no limits or boundaries for a child. We can only hope that this amazing series of clever drawings will inspire kids around the world to give their best effort, and be the best human beings they could possibly be. If you liked Jason’s illustrations that we selected for you, go to his website, there you’ll find more of his lovely work.