Irina Tolchina is an architect-designer by education , but a freelance artist at heart. She is engaged in graphic design, illustration, teaching watercolor master classes. She is the author of video tutorials on transparent painting. Having got inspired by well-known artist, she started to master her skills for creating the best examples of transperent plants and flowers. As she explains on her blog; “For the first time I saw a series of photographs under X-rays of Hugh Turvey and Stien Myers, Brendan Fitzpatrick and was amazed at their fragile, delicate beauty. I really wanted to repeat this effect in watercolor.”, adding that; “I knew exactly what technique to apply to achieve transparency. This is how I began my journey of creating transparent watercolor flowers.” All types of plants and flowers and sometimes butterflies and insects are of her interest to paint in her unique style aesthetically. If you are fond of arts in all forms or nature, you will undoubtedly find her artwork appealing in many ways. Here you can feast your eyes with some of Irina’s impressive paintings. Enjoy!