The sternum tattoo is the name for the under breast tattoo design. This tattoo sweeps from the sides of your breasts to the center of your chest. These pieces are a stylish and unique expression of art, and often start on the chest, linking to the sternum, and under the breasts. The lines follow the natural curving of the cleavage, providing an eye-catching design.
While sternum tattoos are exceptionally exquisite, with unique placement, the sternum is one of the most painful tattoo sites. Any symbol that’s close to the bone produces a higher pain response. However, this location also makes it easy to show off and simple to hide. Choose between big and bold designs, or something small and subtle. Tattooing the sternum requires an expert hand. It would be best if you had an artist with a light, but effective touch. And always prefer branded organic tattoo ink, which is 100% vegan free, made from natural ingredients and is safer to use. The sternum requires precision tattooing, due to the time-consuming nature of the tattoo and the sensitivity in this area. Some of the more popular designs for under breast tattoos include lace, flowers, characters, and tribal motifs. In the center of the sternum, roses and to the centerpieces are good choices to provide a focal point.
It’s advisable to get a sternum tattoo after you finish having children. For most women, the pregnancy stretches the skin around the base of the breasts, causing the warping of the design. The swelling of the breasts during pregnancy will subside eventually, but the tattoo might not return to the same look as before.
It’s also important to note that you’ll have to remove your bra during the tattoo process, and the artist will likely be touching your chest during the tattoo process. Therefore, it’s vital you find a tattoo artist you can trust when booking your appointment. Your artist should make you feel safe, secure, and comfortable during the process.