Over the past few months, there has been a rise in marriage proposals, with many turning to TikTok and Zoom to pop the question. However, it’s not unusual for a global crisis to prompt an increase in engagements and weddings. Looking back to WWII, weddings increased by 83% during this time, and 66% of women were marrying men that had been enlisted to go and fight. Although big weddings are on hold, there has been an increase in proposals and engagements in 2020, but the trends for asking that all important question have changed. The one thing that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought to everyone is a feeling of deep uncertainty, and this has made people really consider their priorities in life. It is not all about money, cars and high-flying careers – the one thing that is most important is of course, love. As The Beatles famously sang, “ all you need is love.”
The Zoom meeting
Live video streaming services like Skype and Zoom have become an integral way of life this year, not just for business, but for families trying to stay connected when they have to physically keep apart. What Zoom has achieved is to actually bring together family and friends that may not have seen one another so often. Irish man, Bobby Murphy was one hopeless romantic this year that chose to propose via Zoom. He had been working in Abu Dhabi since 2018, but was desperate to propose to his girlfriend Nessa. However, she was over 6,000 miles away, working for the Irish Naval Service in Cork. Persistent Bobby had a Zoom meeting with Nessa’s parents, and then the following week, plucked up the courage in their weekly family Zoom quiz. Bobby had created a slide that looked like one of the quiz questions, but actually said, “Nessa, would you marry me?” Nessa and Bobby haven’t been the only ones that have got creative making heartfelt and beautiful lockdown proposals: thousands of couples across the world have got engaged during quarantine. Some have even put their faith in the postal service and sent engagement rings in the mail.
You, me and the photographer
In previous years, it was on trend to propose in front of as many people as possible: the bigger the crowd, the better, preferably at the Knicks stadium. This year though, social distancing has limited mass wedding proposals. A more intimate proposal involving just you and your partner, however, can be extremely personal and beautiful. If you want to share it with others, hire a secret photographer to document this important life event. One trend is to pick a location that is unique and special to you both, perhaps where you went for a first date, or where you shared your first kiss.
A simple family meal
In many ways, the Covid-19 pandemic has made people take stock of their lives and consider the people that are most important to them. This year it is on trend to arrange a family meal, perhaps an outdoors picnic on a sunny afternoon, and make your marriage proposal in front of the people that mean the most to you. That way your whole family can share in your promise of commitment at this uncertain time.
Covid-19 has changed the way that we communicate with one another, and it has certainly meant that couples have become more creative with their marriage proposals. It just goes to show that a pandemic could never stand in the way of true love.