33-years-old Ryan Jessen thought he had just a migraine but unfortunately, it was a ventricular brain hemorrhage and he passed away in hospital on November 30, 2016. “The hospital did the sweetest thing for us and allowed us to bring my brother’s dog in to ‘say goodbye’ so she’d know why her human never came home. If you knew my brother, he really loved his sweet dog,” wrote Ryan’s sister Michelle on her Facebook page. The family recorded a video of final goodbye of Ryan and his dear dog Molly, which was intended for a family circle but after it got such heartwarming response from people all over the world, Michelle responded: “We are sincerely touched and humbled by others’ stories, their sharing in our sadness and the kindness of so many people,” And later she revealed future of Molly and Ryan, saying: “Don’t worry about the dog! We’re keeping her!!! She’s part of the family.” And Ryan will save a young life and keep on living through a 17-year-old boy who will receive his heart.