Michał Maciak is based in Krakow, Poland. He has been photographing landscapes ever since he remembers. His story of photography started with a smartphone mostly, because he’s always liked hiking in the mountains etc. “I switched to a “full size” mirrorless camera when I took up rockclimbing, because I wanted to take photos of climbers, their emotions, the struggle.” he told us in our online interview with him. He continued his story as follows; “Shortly after that I decided I’d really like to photograph people, but was too shy until recently (I consider myself an introvert, at least most of the time).” Soon he began to love it, because it allowed him to meet lots of different people, become better at understanding them and himself as well. He finally stated that; “I’d say I still don’t have any particular style (or I try to adjust my style to the subject at hand), but I try to capture things that speak to me emotionally, whatever they are.” He captures his female models in his own unique style and creates captivating compositions as you can see in our gallery below. Just scroll down and check his impressive images by yourself.