Kyiv, Ukraine based Nastya Zvierieva is a self-taught pastry chef and cake artist with a focus on botanical sugar art. She says; “There were so many complexes that I didn’t go to a cool school, I don’t have a professional education, that I’m not like the chefs I respect, everyone’s better, but I’m a poop in a beautiful wrapper.” She is absolutely talented at creating sugar flowers and velvet texture cakes. “Nobody can convince me that sugar flowers and the overall composition with them are not worth those tens of hours of work. Justification of a cake with fresh flowers, as an excuse for a jacket made of eco-leather versus natural: it costs less and looks like it looks the same. But the leather jacket smells of history, and it carries your DNA. So are sugar flowers – they turn the cake into a gem.” she explains on her Instagram. She also adds; “I cook recipes taken not only from a respected encyclopedia, and I really love sugar flowers, the modeling of which takes half a working day. And at this stage it is pleasant for me to feel that what I do does not depend on fashion, opinion and someone’s attitudes. I know for sure that I will develop everything that I love, and not abandon them in favor of someone else’s rules.” When someone discovers his or her talent for something, they turn that into a form of art, no matter what they do, don’t you agree? Let’s see this skillful chef’s edible art examples.