Laser-Cut Paper Sculptures Rogan Brown

Mind-twisting tiny little laser-sharp details, each paper piece by Rogan Brown looks like the 3D printed corals. “The coral reef is a microcosm of a macrocosm. What is happening to the reefs today will ultimately happen to the planet tomorrow unless action is taken,” Brown shared. Trying to speak about climate change and how it brings crisis on marine life, Brown also tells the story for the entire planet in crisis. Master of paper cutting sculptures, artist layers meticulously cut white paper on top of each other. Brown often combines monochromatic parts with colorful counterparts to create stunning visuals. The working process includes drawing corals on paper, cutting them with a laser, to be later hand-painted and positioned perfectly to match the desired vision of Rogan.

More info: Instagram.


“Ghost Coral”

All photo credits Rogan Brown

Detail of “Ghost Coral”

Detail of “Ghost Coral”

Detail of “Ghost Coral”

“Ghost Coral”

“Coral Garden”

Detail of “Coral Garden”

Detail of “Coral Garden”

via [thisiscolossal]