Jaxson the Golden was born on April 11th 2016 and he is based just outside of Toronto, Canada. This lovely golden retriever has an Instagram account where he shares about his daily happenings. He has lots of favourite things to do during the day and unloading his toy box, chasing his tail and playing in the sprinkler come at the top of the list. His “parent” just describes him as “wild” and she loves sharing all of the photos she takes of her handsome boy. She is also fond of seeing all of the adorable dogs and dog related products on Instagram and she thinks it feels casual and personal. When asked about the other instagram dogs Jaxson follows in one of their interview with theroverboutique blog, they list their favourite follows as follows; @Lizzie.bear, @joliegoldenretriever, @jack_retriever1 … They adviced other Instagramers to have fun with the app. “Post for yourself, not for anyone else.. Use lots of hash tags!” she stated. Finally, Jaxson’s parent tells about his favourite products; “His Rover collar gets him LOTS of compliments. He also says never leave home without Zukes treats!”. Below you can see some of his photos which showcase his the most joyful moments. Hope the images make your day!