Instead of Paying $2400 for Treehouse, Dad Builds a Fortress for Just $205

When the husband is supposed to do some handiwork around the house he usually says: “it’s gonna take a while…” and it does, it really does. But when Marc Ely, a 33-year-old savvy dad from Rochford, Essex says he’ll get his kids a treehouse… He means a fortress. In 3 days. By hand. From scratch. Making us regular incompetent lazies, well, exactly that. Realizing that the retail price for a treehouse is $2,400, he quickly turned his boat around into the DIY bay, to finally end up with a fortress that cost only $205. Tower, a swing, and a rock-climbing wall, all just for his loving kids. An impressive construction made from scaffold materials made a quarantine for Marc’s children a playtime that they will remember forever. “The only things I had to buy were the wood chippings, swings, slide, rock-climbing stones, and paint from Amazon, eBay, and B&Q,” Mark says. The rest of the material came from his own scaffolding business. The lockdown gave Marc the free time he needed, and he made a fortress. Tell us, what did you do with your free time during this quarantine? I guess I shouldn’t have asked… Sorry.

Thor-looking savvy dad – Marc Ely used his hammer to build a fortress for his kids

Photo credits: caters

Of course, his child is Captain America.

Aaaaand Batman.

Aaaand Tom Sawyer or they’re just helping.

After looking online for treehouses and realizing it would cost him $2400,

33-year-old Marc Ely went the DIY route.

All he needed was 3 days to finish the fortress.

In the end, he paid only $205.

And became a candidate for the father of the year.

Congrats sir! Lockdown free time ‘done’ perfectly.

Via [boredpanda]