At What Age Most People Get Their First Tattoo?

The number of individuals who get tattoos has been on the rise and a global survey carried out in 2018 by Dalia couldn’t prove otherwise. The results indicated that 38% of the global individuals who were interviewed said they have at least one tattoo. Surprisingly, respondents with the highest percentage were not young people. Actually, only 32% of them were between the age of 14 years -29 years. This is considerably low compared to 45% of adults between the age of 30 years and 49 years.

This research by Dalia Company on their website supports another study carried among USA students. The students were asked what they thought about getting tattoos and most of them stipulated that they don’t mind getting one while some had already been got their first tattoo even before they were 18 years. Results from this study, which was carried out by Paperell essay websites service providers conquers with Dalia’s finding that once someone has had one tattoo, there is an urge to get more. The students through writing confessed that they have more than one and they have no regrets whatsoever.

Although there is no federal law regulating tattooing in the USA, there are social restrictions to a person below 18 years. This is supported by the legal principle which stipulates that a minor cannot enter into a binding contract. However, with the consent of a guardian or a parent, the age to get a tattoo does not matter.

The Country with the Most Tattooed People


This study was carried out among internet-connected respondents of countries such as Australia, Brazil, Sweden, Israel, Canada, Germany, Russia, Argentina, Spain, Denmark, Mexico, Italy, Greece, South Africa, Turkey, France, the UK, and the USA. Out of the eighteen countries, Italy had the highest percentage at 48%. This was followed by Sweden at 47% and the US at 46%. Israel comes in last with 25%.



We would have speculated that the younger people have the highest rate of tattoos, but that isn’t the case. Only 32% of the respondents were aged 14 to 29 years. People between the age of 30 and 49 led the list with 45% while people over 50 years were 28%. What was more surprising was that in terms of gender, the women led the list at 40% while men were 36%.

Another aspect worth noting is that tattoos are more popular among individuals with higher levels of education at 32% compared to 26% of people with lower education levels. Holding age

and gender constant, high education level relation are directly proportional to the likelihood of getting a tattoo.

Regrets after Getting a Tattoo


You have probably heard the phrase ‘you will regret getting a tattoo’ especially since it’s permanent and the process of removing one is expensive and extremely painful. However, the research proved otherwise. As a matter of fact, 72% of the respondent held that they have never regretted getting one. Respondents who held the highest regrets were Swedes (38%), Israelis (37%), and Danes (37%). And those that held the least regrets were Italians (15%) and Greeks (17%).

So, What is the Right Age for Ink? Some parents might be quite strict and are the determinants of how old to get a tattoo among teenagers and young youths. Thus, some willing individuals might not have the privilege to decide on getting one until they are 18 years- although some states tattoos are legal at 16years. However, if we are being honest, at this age, one is still too young and maybe getting one at 25 is the best idea. This is so because the earlier twenties are quite crazy and at least by 25 years, you will have started figuring yourself better.

Factors to Consider Before Getting a Tattoo

The Pain

If you are considering to get one, you have already heard that it is painful. And for sure you should be ready for PAIN. Be prepared to see multiple needles puncturing into your skin.

The larger the tattoo design the more the pain. Another factor that determines the level of pain is the location of the tattoo. However, if you have a longer pain threshold or have no aversion to needles, then this will not be a major concern.

The Design

Take your time to determine the design, remember that it will be permanent! When not sure, seek help from a recommendable tattoo artist to come up with a personal design. Make sure you get a tattoo that you won’t regret or feel ashamed of. You should be proud of it. Google if you have to, but make sure it’s something you are willing to live with for the rest of your life.

Tattoo Placement While picking the design, you also have in mind where you need the tattoo placed. The location also determines the size of the design. However, it is always advisable to evaluate the impacts of the visibility of the tattoo. For example, if your future job will require face-to-face interactions with the clients, a visible drawing on your face is the last thing you should think of.

The location also determines the level of pain. A tattoo in areas with lots of fat or muscle will be less painful when compared to areas with lots of bones.

Why You are Getting the Tattoo

Different people get under the needle for various reasons. It might be to appreciate art, out of love and affection or maybe to preserve a certain memory among other reasons. You don’t have

to come up with a list of the reasons why you want to get one. But make sure you can stand by the reason why you got it.

The Cost

The last but not least factor that you should consider is the cost. Getting a tattoo is not cheap, and even the smallest can cost you up to $20. The cost is dependent on the size, the design and the colors used. A professional tattoo artist will definitely charge higher. But you get what you pay for!

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