Are You Bringing Home A New Puppy? This Is What You Should Prepare

Oh, the joy! And no bigger one is equal to the one when you’re bringing home a small human being. However, in the case of a puppy, you wouldn’t find the small resentment from the older brothers and sisters towards this little imposter – quite the contrary! Everybody’s absolutely thrilled and on the verge of joyful tears.

Whether you’re bringing in a puppy for a forever home or a temporary adoption, you might start stocking up on dog food, treats, and toys, but there are other utilities that you might find much more useful and essential for their correct upbringing.


Now, you might think that your little buddy doesn’t need it yet, but the truth is that a good harness can be proven beneficial for many other things, rather than merely for walks. Even if you have a backyard and do not plan on having walked with the puppy for some time, teaching it basic rules and getting it to familiarize with a harness is crucial for future behavior and pulling on the leash later.

Harnesses are also good for car or public rides as then your pet stays safe during it. The only issue is that your puppy might not find it entertaining in the beginning or until it learns that it’s good for it to wear this restraining thing. That’s why investing in a chew-proof dog harness is a smart, sustainable, financial, and all-around practical idea. Since most of these harnesses can be adjustable to size and the level of chewability, having a sturdy one that can withstand even the toughest chew that destroys every harness when you’re not looking – is worth the bucks and checking out.

Gates and Crates

Teaching your little buddy some boundaries is of the utmost importance as this will come in handy for its development and learning where it is allowed to go and where to stay out from. Puppy will have the urge and instinct to follow you everywhere and if there are areas of the home where you, in particular, want them away, like stairs, low windows, children’s room, bedroom, or kitchen – you might want to get either the crate or some sort of screening and gates to prevent it from hurting itself or getting the rest of the home messy.

On the other hand, a cage, or a crate, is functional in many ways – as a secure and safe place for the puppy, where it can hide and have a rest, as a part of the training to learn its “place”, as a mode of transport, to keep the hypersocial puppy away from the guests, etc.

Training Urinating Pads

Many people make a beginner’s mistake when they first bring the puppy home and under all the excitement, it starts urinating on your carpet or wooden floor.

A good starting point is to place your new puppy on the urinating pads as soon as you take it in, and in this way, you teach it there is a certain spot where it goes to the loo and not around the house. Dogs are creatures of the habit and they will learn and practice this habit however small.

Another practical item would also be diapers for puppies and at this point, it’s just a question of what you prefer, the size of the puppy, whether it will be outside or inside, and how long it will be left alone.

Cleaning Supplies

Sure, you can have regular chemistry solutions for cleaning after your puppy, but you should also know that most of the time, you will either need stronger stain removers (especially if your puppy is staying inside and the toilet accidents happen every now and then) or a multi-surface cleaner to keep the areas germ-free. Stain – and odor-removing cleaners are also a must.

Be sure to check if the cleaning agents are dog-friendly since our little friends are more than sensitive when it comes to sniffing and ingesting. In that matter, you should, by all means, keep the cleaning agents away secured as you don’t want the puppy (or any dog) to accidentally swallow or inhale some of it.

Investing in, for example, childproof locks to put on low cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom where you hold these supplies is a good idea.

And other than preparing your home with a few safety checks, getting the right supplies for your puppy, talking with family about responsibilities and schedules – congratulations! Your furry bundle of joy will be happy, safe, and regarding turnover in your life.