A Few Tips to Help You Before You Go in for a Jewellery Appraisal

People opt for an appraisal for several reasons including insurance, liquidation of assets, or maybe after an unfortunate event like a divorce or death of a family member. Whatever the reason may be, many find the entire process to be quite overwhelming at first, even though once the process starts, everything seems to get easier.


There are a variety of reasons why one could feel that way. Having your personal belongings handled and judged, albeit strictly in a monetary sense, by a complete stranger could be understandably uncomfortable. However, what one needs to understand is that expert jewelry appraisal professionals are trained to approach their trade in the same way a doctor is trained to approach patients. The human element is taken out of the equation and for the appraiser, the exercise is nothing but a function that they have to fulfill.


It also helps if one is aware of the specifics of the entire process of jewelry appraisal. This article will explain the different types of appraisals that are available to you, and the factors to consider when hiring a jewelry appraiser.




‘Replacement Value Appraisals’ are the most common type and the process tells you your jewelry’s “retail replacement value” which is the cost for replacing the item. These appraisals are used for insurance purposes and will factor into how much money you would receive should you lose your ring to a covered event such as robbery and theft.


Then there are ‘Fair Market Value Appraisals’ which estimate the value of your item if you were to sell it in the market. The inspection is not as detailed as Replacement Value Appraisals and all it tells is the amount of money a seller would receive if they were to sell to a willing buyer.


Finally, there are ‘Liquidation Appraisals’ which are used when the jewelry is to be sold immediately, such as divorce settlements, and often results in a very low valuation as the seller is in a rush to sell items. This does drive the value down significantly.




Considering these are valuable items, you need to ensure your appraiser at least has the minimum credentials required to give an informed and fair valuation of your jewelry. First and foremost you should check if your appraiser is a Graduate Gemologist, individuals who use the initials ‘G.G.’ along with their name in their professional dealings. This gives reputable appraisers the theoretical knowledge needed to carry out such a trade.


Then you must check if the appraiser has been trained and tested by recognized association, such as the American Society of Appraisers or the National Association of Jewelry Appraisers, for their proficiency in valuation and appraisals.


It also helps if you check reviews online. A simple Google search will inform you of individual interactions that members of the public have had with any appraiser and will give you an unbiased opinion on their services and dealings.

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