6 Essential Items To Bring On Your Next Outdoor Adventure

It’s that time of year again. The weather is getting warmer, and the sun is beginning to shine brighter than ever. This means it’s time for outdoor adventures! Whether you’re going camping, hiking, fishing, or just out exploring nature, there are a few items that we recommend bringing with you on your next outdoor adventure. Without further ado, let’s get to the list.

A First Aid Kit

Accidents are bound to happen, so it’s important to have some first aid kit on hand just in case. Whether you cut your foot, get bit by a snake or stung by a bee, or break out into an allergic reaction from something you’ve come across while exploring nature, having bandages and medicine will be extremely helpful – whether for yourself or for someone you happen to come across.

Your first aid kit should contain bandages, gauze, bandage tape (duct tape works too), tweezers, hydrogen peroxide, anti-bacterial hand wipes or spray, and any medication you may already take. If something worse happens than what your first aid kit can handle – like getting shot in the leg with an arrow by a friend who doesn’t know how to shoot a bow, you should probably call 911 or seek help from a professional.

A Pocket Knife

A knife is a staple for anyone going out into nature, no matter what you’re doing. Whether you need to cut open a package, chop some wood, or scrape something off of your shoes before entering the tent, having a pocket knife can be extremely helpful when exploring the great outdoors. It is important to upgrade your pocket knife to a modern one that can also cut through tougher materials like wood. With a good pocket knife, you can pretty much do anything.

A good pocket knife will include a blade, scissors, tweezers (for pulling splinters), nail file/nail cleaner, toothpick, bottle opener, and corkscrew for wine bottles you may come across during your adventures on the trail or in nature.

Sunglasses and Sunscreen

The sun can be extremely damaging to your eyes, so make sure you bring sunglasses with you when hiking or camping. Sunglasses will not only protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun, but they also provide great UV protection for your face! Make sure that these are high-quality sunglasses because if they fall off and break while you’re out in nature, it could be very dangerous. A good pair of sunglasses will come with a hard case to protect the lenses from breaking or scratching when not being worn. You can also get polarized glasses which help reduce glare on water and make everything look clearer. Just make sure they have 100% UV protection.

Along with sunglasses, it’s important to bring sunscreen! Ensure that the sunscreen you get has a high SPF (we prefer around 50 or more) and is made for your face. You should reapply every two hours when in direct sunlight. Remember the rule of thumb: if you’re outside for more than an hour without wearing sunscreen, you should put some on.

Extra Clothing, Hat, Gloves, etc.

When you’re outside for long periods of time, it can get freezing – even in the summer. It’s important to bring multiple layers to have something warm when needed and is light enough when it starts getting warmer out.

For example, if you’ll be camping overnight or staying out for a while during the day, you should bring a heavy coat, sweater, long-sleeved shirt or tee, gloves or mittens (depending on the weather), and sweatpants. It’s also important to have good hiking boots with you when going out in nature so that your feet are protected from sticks, rocks, insects/bugs – basically anything sharp you might come across.

Matches or a Lighter for Starting Fires

While you can usually find dry wood and leaves when in nature, it’s important to bring matches or a lighter with you for starting fires. If nothing else, they’ll come in handy when trying to light the stove when cooking food. You should also make sure that your matches or lighter are waterproof because if they get wet (when camping), there’s no way they’ll light.

There are different matches and lighters out there that will allow you to light more than one match at a time; some even come with a small magnifying glass on the side of them, which can help start fires in arid conditions. You can choose one depending on what you think will be most helpful when in nature.

Map of the Area You’re Exploring

It would be best not to go out exploring without a map of the area you’re going to be in. If you get lost, it will make things extremely difficult for rescue workers trying to find where you are or what happened to your group if everyone got separated from one another. Ensure that the maps are also waterproof so they don’t crinkle up and get ruined when it rains or they get wet from the snow.

Besides the physical map, you should also have a map, and compass app downloaded on your phone if you need to use it when exploring but don’t have access to your physical map.


These are the six essential items to bring on your next outdoor adventure. Make sure you have all of these items packed in your bag when going out so that everything goes smoothly and you don’t get stuck without anything. Depending on how long you’ll be staying out and what the conditions will be like while exploring, you can add some more items.