School is finally starting (Although in many countries have started already!) in various forms and we are so excited to get back to school regardless of the strange period we are all going through. We are ready to take it head on. Let’s give each other grace and put our patient and positive pants on. We can do hard things and surely cookies make things better! They are the best to welcome your kids after school and show how much you appreciate teachers and school staff. Instagram is floating with hundreds of creative ideas for decorating your cookies in back to school theme. While this is the case, we can’t help but rounded up some of the most brilliant ideas to inspire you for your own baking adventures. You can check them out and save the ones you like to try later for your kiddos and for all the school staff. To all the teachers out there, you are so appreciated and we wish there was more we could do during this crazy time. You are all superheroes! Wishing all of the students, teachers and staff a wonderful year.Let’s make this year sweet!